Carillons Ring for Climate Protection.
”Quickly – Save the World” – wrote the ‘Tagespiegel’ on 20.11.2018 about the initiator and originator of this campaign, Klaus Wüsthoff. The 96-year old Berliner is a composer of orchestral and choral works, a major creator of advertisement melodies in the 1960’s and 1970’s as well as a creator of music for the German ZDF television station for over forty years. Now he is worried about the future for his grandson and great-grandson and he is concerned about Climate Change. The targets set for Climate Protection are constantly missed and the current US President even denies that the climate is changing and the Earth warming due to human activity.- Wüsthoff, born in 1922, has survived wars and catastrophes during his life. Now he wants to help do what he can to prevent the potential climatic catastrophe. Using elements from his orchestral work ‘Die Regentrude’ (The Rain Fairy) he has created a melody for Climate Bells; The aim of the Climate-Bells Campaign of 2018 is that as many Carillons as possible with their wide-ranging sequence of bell notes should ring this especial melody in as many towns as possible, in order to act as a reminder of the existential importance of Climate Protection.
The sequence starts on 1st. December at 12 noon, with the Tiergarten-Carillon – the largest bell tower in Europe. The tones will be our contribution to the great demonstration of Environmental Protection organisations being organised in front of the Federal Chancellor’sOoffice. (The Tiergarten Carillon can be easily heard from there.)
When the World Climate Conference begins in Katowice on 3rd. December the Carillons in Bonn, Hannover, Hamburg, Chemnitz and several other German cities will start to riung. In addition the melodiy will be heard at several locations in Switzerland, denmark and Belgium. In addition sound and video recordings of the Carillons participating will be indicated on an interactiver world map on our website. We also offer through the website the Carillon bell tones as a download ring-tone for smartphones, and some other gimmicks.
The campaign is intended to last for several years, for the protection of the climate will take some time. The main emphasis for now is laid on the periods of the forthcoming World Climate Conferences. Amongst our prominent supporters are the famous climate researcher Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, founder and long-term Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Effects (PIC). Schellnhuber presented our project for the first time at the international climate conference ‘Impactworld 2017’ in Potsdam. Other project partners are the Deutsche Musikrat and the Deutsche Tonkünstlerverband.
Max Doehlemann
Recent article in Tagespiegel:…/komponist-klaus…/23654804.html
The Demo in front of the Kanzleramt: